Four pages typed notes titled “Early Days and Men of California”
Merrill Mattes research notes
Four pages typed notes titled “Early Days and Men of California”
Merrill Mattes research notes
Three typed pages
Partial memoir titled “Across the Plains,” written in 1930
Typed pages
Handwritten pages
The names of Dr. Taylor or Thomas as the author of the journal have strikethroughs
33 typed pages
16 printed pages of article “Overland Trip To California In ’52 With Extracts From My Old Diary”
Five typed pages
Merrill Mattes research notes
62 typed pages
10 typed pages
74 typed pages titled “Across the Continent on Foot in 1859”
13 typed pages
Merrill Mattes research notes
One page printed article with narrative of trip from Wisconsin to Nevada
Printed pages
“Letters by Forty-Niners” in The Western Humanities Review
Letter written August 7, 1849
Nine typed pages
Notices and letters that appeared in the Illinois Republican, Belleville, Illinois
Notices are of a letter received from J. Murray Morrison, and the deaths of John Boismenue and Louis Tramble in 1849 in California
Letters of Louis Tramble were written August 6, August 18, and September 8, 1849