Two handwritten pages
Letter written March 30, 1849
Two handwritten pages
Letter written March 30, 1849
Two typed pages
Merrill Mattes research notes
Four printed pages from a magazine
Moss, William Cartier. “Overland to California in the Early 1860s.” Pony Express Courier, November 1938, pp 6, 11-12, 14
Four typed pages
Diary entries “Across the Plains” from April 11, 1854 to June 18, 1854
14 typed pages
Diary entries 29 April, 1861 – 31 May 1861 and from 22 July, 1861 – 12 August 1861
15 typed pages
18 typed pages
17 typed and handwritten pages
19 printed pages of newspaper articles printed in 1906
Nichols, B. F., “Across the Plains in 1844: Reminiscences of Oregon”
Laidlaw Chronicle, Laidlaw, Crook County, Oregon
Four copied pages, only two pages of typed diary entries
Journal to the Pacific Ocean
Eight printed pages of an article in a magazine
Norton, Col. L. A. “My Overland Trip to California in 1852.” Pony Express Courier, September-October1934
Printed pages from a book
Norton, Col. L. A. Life and Adventures of Col. L. A. Norton. Oakland, California: Pacific Press Publishing House, 1887
Printed pages from a book
Nott, Manford Allen. Across the Plains in ’54, A Story for Young People of Early Emmigration to California